Express your love elegantly with our enchanting bouquet!
Designed with elegance and modernity, this bouquet features vibrant red roses encased in a sophisticated white box, making it the perfect way to express love and romance. A distinctive gift suitable for various occasions, whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or simply a sweet surprise for a special someone. The box’s contemporary and stylish design makes it a beautiful decorative piece for any space.
Product Details:
- Box: An elegant white box crafted from premium materials, featuring a transparent window that highlights the beauty of the roses.
- Quantity: 3 vibrant red roses. Each stem measures 50 cm in length.
- Bouquet Size: The bouquet measures 20 cm in width and 60 cm in height.
- Rose Variety: Dutch Roses are used for their exceptional quality.
- Care Instructions: Please follow our care instructions to keep your roses fresh for a longer period.
Biona –
You got me ! Five stars from me !